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Detox in Atlantic City, NJ

Aerial view of Enlightened Recovery's rehab in Egg Harbor City, offering treatment options to help clients recover safely and effectively.
Starting a treatment program for addiction is never easy. Clients need to come to terms with the fact that their lives have become unmanageable and that they don’t have control over their drug or alcohol use. In addition, clients with addiction are physically dependent on substances and could experience distressing, painful, and even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms when they stop using or drinking. That is why our detox in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is here to help clients begin their recovery on the right track.

What is Detox?

Detox programs help clients in the early stages of their recovery from addiction. During detox, clients stop using drugs or drinking alcohol, which triggers withdrawal symptoms. While many people think they can quit without professional support, they are at risk of relapsing once withdrawal symptoms begin.

Our drug and alcohol detox in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is an inpatient program that is the first step in addiction treatment. Most clients remain in detox for about one to two weeks. During detox, clients get medical and psychological support for withdrawal symptoms. They are also protected from temptations for substance abuse while residing within a treatment facility.

Enlightened Recovery's Atlantic City location has treatment options to meet your personal needs.
What Are Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms begin shortly after a person quits using drugs or alcohol. These symptoms occur because a person with an addiction is physically dependent on substances. Therefore, their body and mind cannot function properly without drugs and alcohol. They need to go through withdrawal to return to a normal level of function.

Withdrawal symptoms are at their peak within a few days of quitting drugs and alcohol. The timing and severity of withdrawal symptoms depend on the following factors:

  • Type of substance a person abuses
  • Using more than one substance or “polysubstance abuse” (for example, using cocaine and drinking alcohol)
  • Length of the addiction
  • How often a person abuses drugs or alcohol
  • The amount of drugs or alcohol a person uses
  • Underlying mental health symptoms
  • A person’s overall state of physical health
  • Preparing for sober living

In addition to the above-mentioned symptoms, some people have severe and potentially life-threatening symptoms. Severe withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Extremely high or low blood pressure
  • Lowered respiratory functions
  • Heart palpitations
  • Dangerously elevated or diminished heart rate
  • Delirium tremens, or “DTs,” which can include some of the following:

    • Agitation
    • Delirium or a sudden and severe confusion
    • Seizures
    • Sleep for a day or longer
    • Paranoia
    • Rapid mood changes

Generally, severe withdrawal symptoms during detox are associated with opioid or alcohol use disorders. DTs are usually only present among those with alcohol addiction. At our Atlantic City detox center, FDA-approved medications are available to provide relief and lower the risk of relapse for clients experiencing severe symptoms from opioid and alcohol addictions.

Most people will have symptoms within a few hours or about one day after they stop using or drinking. For most people, withdrawal symptoms will peak in intensity about one to three days after quitting. After that, symptoms taper off and usually become manageable within one to two weeks.

Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Bodily aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Hallucinations
  • Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Profuse sweating
  • Shakes and tremors
  • Intense cravings for drugs and alcohol

Why Detox is Necessary for Addiction Treatment?

Our partial hospitalization program can help you recover safely and effectively from dependency.

Detox is necessary for addiction treatment because most people relapse when they quit using or drinking on their own. They might underestimate the severity of withdrawal symptoms and then give in to intense cravings. Thus, they become trapped in a cycle of addiction.

Our detox in Atlantic City, New Jersey, also helps clients engage in addiction treatment following their inpatient detox program. When dealing with withdrawal symptoms, clients cannot focus on their recovery. They might feel distressed or on edge, which prevents them from getting anything from therapy or group sessions. 

By going through a detox program, clients safely manage their withdrawal symptoms with professional support. That way, once they are finished, they can fully engage in the recovery process without the distraction of their withdrawal symptoms.

Our Facilities

Benefits of Detox Centers in New Jersey

Detox in Atlantic City, New Jersey, helps clients in several ways. First and foremost, clients get the medical attention that they need. This is important if they experience any life-threatening symptoms during withdrawal.

Clients can also easily transition from our detox program to another level of care, such as residential treatment, partial hospitalization (PHP), or intensive outpatient (IOP). That way, clients can move from one stage of treatment to the next without delay. This leads to better outcomes in recovery as well as higher retention rates for addiction treatment.

The following are additional benefits of our Atlantic City detox center:

Reduced risk of relapse in early recovery
Lowered risk of medical complications during withdrawal
Helps reduce the chances of developing post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS)
Experience fewer or less intense withdrawal symptoms due to the comfort, medical care, and psychological support provided
Identify underlying causes of addiction during detox, like underlying mental health disorders, trauma history, or low self-esteem
Meet peers in recovery, who can relate to each other’s experiences in recovery
Begin medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for those with severe withdrawal symptoms
Safe from relapse triggers and temptations to cave to intense cravings

Overall, detox programs help clients begin their recovery on the right path. Inpatient detox programs are much safer and more effective than attempting to quit drugs and alcohol without professional support. While quitting drugs and alcohol is not easy, many clients find success when they realize that they don’t need to go through recovery alone.

Begin Your Recovery at our Detox in Atlantic City, NJ

The first step to recovery is the most difficult part of the journey. However, taking the first step is vital to begin long-term recovery for a drug- and alcohol-free life. Our detox in New Jersey helps clients begin their recovery by safely managing withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms can be painful and even dangerous. Thus, it is critical to get professional support to quit using alcohol or drugs.

Our detox in Atlantic City, New Jersey, helps clients begin their recovery and reduces the risk of relapse in the early stages of recovery. Contact Enlightened Recovery today to begin living a fulfilling life free of addiction.