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The Relief Of Getting Sober

Addiction is a struggle. At first, drugs and alcohol can be fun. In fact, many a recovering addict or alcoholic can recall multiple times before they became addicted when drugs and alcohol were fun. Eventually, however, drugs and alcohol were no longer fun. Using drugs and alcohol isn’t a disease. Even abusing drugs and alcohol isn’t a disease, though it is a problem. Addiction is a disease. When you become addicted to something you become sick. You aren’t just “sick” because you are addicted. You’re not just metaphorically experiencing a sickness because you can no longer make healthy decisions. You are completely and totally ill in mind, body, and spirit. Everything in your holistic system is shutting down and the only thing you can continue thinking about is taking that next hit or getting that next drink.

Living with the pressure of addiction is hard work when an addiction fully develops. You have to keep your cravings satisfied. Avoiding the symptoms of withdrawal and detox is a fulltime job. Nothing about addiction is fun when it is at its peak. The euphoric effects once produced by drugs and alcohol don’t last long enough to make up for the pain of being sick and in withdrawal. Your life revolves around finding a way to stave off detoxing in order to feel normal, not even to feel good anymore. Carrying the weight of addiction is carrying a tremendous burden which makes finally coming to sobriety a wild relief.

Going to rehab, going through detox, and getting sober might not sound like a relief to some. Too many addicts and alcoholics, it isn’t a relief at first. The obsession of craving can be so pervasive that those in recovery don’t feel like they’ve made a good decision by getting sober. For many others, however, it is a welcome relief. They no longer have to live their life in pain and suffering at the hands of addiction. Detox can be tough, and treatment is a challenge, but the payoff of getting clean and sober is infinite.

Enlightened Recovery offers a clinical, holistic and 12-step approach to the road to recovery.  If you’re struggling with addiction and/or mental illness, our program is specialized in dual-diagnosis treatments. Don’t hesitate and call today: 844-234-LIVE.

Begin Your Recovery at Enlightened Recovery

Enlightened Recovery is here to help you or your loved one overcome drug and alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders. Our holistic treatment programs treat the whole person in recovery. We have locations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Get the help that you deserve now with Enlightened Recovery.