There is a misconception that when an addict quits using, they will go on to live life without issue. Although this may be true to some extent, ridding the body of all substances is only the beginning to living a full sober life. There are many excuses and possibly some valid reasons why alcoholics feel they needed to use their drug of choice. When it comes down to it, there is an underlying cause of why the alcoholic feels they must numb the body. The addict mind is different from the non-addict mind. Addicts don’t have the ability to let things go, persisting to replay events over and over in the mind. It’s exhausting, and one might think why they would put themselves through it if they can shut it up with alcohol or drugs? This is where it gets tricky. Alcoholics will become reliant on the substance and use it to get through life at all cost. This doesn’t end well, given that addicts have a craving for alcohol and drugs that will not allow them to practice any kind of moderation.
Once there is a substance entered into the body in any form, the craving consumes the mind. At this point, there’s no use in maintaining any healthy way of dealing or coping with an unideal situation. Relationships begin to slip away and the alcoholic starts down an unhealthy path to destruction. Thing gets progressively worse and there no way of telling when the alcoholic/addict will decide to get help. When the addict has the willingness to do whatever it takes to stay sober, there will be real potential for growth. We can help get them there.
In AA, it is believed that in order to stay on the path to sobriety, a spiritual experience must take place. Admitting the powerlessness over alcohol is the first step. These steps will coincide with the healing process that an alcoholic will receive in therapy specializing knowledge in addiction. There are different ways of approaching an alcoholic who is in the healing process as well as different therapeutic treatments. Each alcoholic responds differently which is why it’s important to have a well-rounded rehabilitation experience. Feeling safe in an environment caves the way for transformation. Learning about self-love and respect that will enable the patient’s ability to manifest what they are really capable of life. Healing consists of processing the history that never sat well with the alcoholic. Taking a look at the root of the problem and letting it go, will set the alcoholic free!
Enlightened Recovery believes that healing the mind body and spirit is the first step into a life of healthy relationships and sobriety. With a holistic, clinical, and 12 step approach, the addict will learn many tools in guiding a patient to transformation. For more information call 833-801-5483.