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Nature as Part of Spiritual Practice

Our daily lives are often so consumed with the hustle and bustle of our busy routines that we forget a powerful healing tool that surrounds us, that we can access to restore our inner peace. Explore the natural world around you, and you will find it holds infinite healing and guidance. When you open yourself up to receiving animal medicine, for example, you will begin to learn and experience the vast wisdom and symbolism that animals hold.

The sound of the wind in the trees can be immediately soothing and calming. The next time you hear it, pause to meditate on the beautiful sound rather than rushing off to your next destination. Take a moment to register the multiple shades of green in the plant life around you and observe the different brilliant colors of the sky. Take time to watch the sun or moon rise or set. Allow yourself to see the world around you with wonder and excitement, what we often associate with children but which as adults we can implement on a regular basis to add to the joy in our lives.

Being near a body of water brings many people a sense of peace and tranquility. Make the time to sit by a pond or beach, breathing in the helpful negative ions, listening for the crashing or lapping of waves whose continuity can make you feel calm and happy.

Nature reminds us that we are in the flow of life. If we move with it, and allow ourselves to be open to it, we can access the healing power of the universe and the natural world around us. Nature also proves that the natural state of our planet is one of abundance. There is an infinite abundance of leaves on a tree, grains of sand on a beach, drops of water in the ocean. So too are we infinitely abundant, full of the strength and wisdom we need to live happy, healthy lives, full of the manifestation power to heal and to create the lives we want.

Addictions, depression, anxiety, and any other form of mental/emotional health issues, have a way of destabilizing us and making us lose our center. Being in nature can help us to ground ourselves more. You are absorbing the power and strength of the earth any time you consciously connect with it. You reflect the longevity and survival you see in the oldest trees. You reflect the strength and conviction of the wind. Connecting with nature is a wonderful healing tool to add to your spiritual practice.

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