Our chakras, or energy centers, can develop imbalances, especially after traumatic experiences, which can contribute to our feeling depressed, anxious, insecure, unstable and off center. Imbalances in each chakra can lead to unique emotional difficulties correlated to our energy.
The root chakra is our first chakra, and it represents our sense of safety and security. It governs the energy pertaining to our survival and instincts. It is associated with how safe, secure and grounded we feel, both within ourselves and within the world around us. When our root is healthy, balanced and in alignment, we feel supported, guided and protected, both by our inner strength and our higher power. We have confidence in ourselves, in who we are and in where we’re headed. We feel sure of who we are. We feel connected to our purpose, we can set clear goals for ourselves, and we can take steps towards accomplishing them. We believe in ourselves, and we know that we are strong, powerful and capable.
When our root chakra is imbalanced, we can feel ungrounded and uncentered. We can feel as though we don’t have a strong sense of security or stability. We can feel insecure, suffer from low self-esteem and be overly anxious. We can feel lacking in emotional and financial support, not only from ourselves but also from the people around us and the world as a whole. We don’t feel self-assured or at peace within ourselves. We struggle with feeling bad about ourselves, we feel guilt easily, and we carry shame within us, often for many years.
When we don’t feel grounded within ourselves, we struggle to make decisions. We can feel as though we don’t have a clear sense of direction and aren’t connected to our inner guidance system. We often feel stuck. We can really struggle with our sense of purpose in life and have a very hard time following our intuition. We can feel lost and overwhelmed.
When our root is imbalanced, we can have a very challenging relationship with fear. While fear is a normal and natural part of life that helps to keep us safe, we can really struggle with fear when we don’t have a basis of groundedness and self-assuredness. We can suffer from phobias and debilitating insecurities. Because we don’t feel safe and secure, it can be very hard for us to express our fears and to get help facing them. We can become caught in cycles of suppressing our emotions and our fears, which can greatly contribute to depression and anxiety. We can seek solace in things that aren’t good for us, making ourselves susceptible to developing addictions.
Recovery involves the holistic healing of our minds, bodies and spirits. Enlightened Recovery is here to help. Call (833) 801-LIVE.