Introvert or Anxiety?
Someone with anxiety might be overly intimidated by the prospect of attending any kind of social event. As a result, they will consistently decline invitations to go out. It’s easy to write social situations off. Someone might be introverted, anti-social, isolating, or just prefers being alone. Anxiety is all of these things, on an extreme scale. If you notice a loved one socially withdrawing more and more, it might be time to lovingly confront them on their anxiety.
Always Awake, Always Tired
When your thoughts are running a thousand miles a minute in a thousand different directions without any sign of stopping, it’s hard to get a good night’s rest. Late to sleep and early to rise, living with anxiety can sometimes look like an abundance of energy. In truth, anxiety is an abundance of stress, worry, and uncontrollable looping thoughts. Despite emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion, a loved one with anxiety might be up and at it, regardless. Sleep medications, anxiety medications, and holistic evening rituals can help contribute to better sleep. Herbal teas, warm baths, and mindful meditation can help the mind relax.
Can’t Take a Compliment Or A Hint
Not everyone is well versed in openly receiving kind words or criticisms. It is difficult for someone with anxiety to hear someone express their concerns towards them. Though a loved one will mean well, they will likely cause someone with anxiety to become more anxious. Furthermore, if a person with anxiety is recovering and receives a compliment about how well they are doing, that too might cause them more anxiety. Mindfully pay attention to how your loved one reacts to different kinds of statements. There could be more than meets the eye.
Total Disability
Keeping up with an anxious mind is exhausting. Living with a mental illness such as anxiety is all-consuming. WIthout the proper medications, life skills, and coping tools, anxiety can be too much to bear. If you notice that your loved one frequently needs to take a down day where they hardly move or function unless completely necessary, there may be coping going on. Take a rest day is a vital practice for anyone. Taking multiple rest days in a short amount of time is a sign of exhaustion.
Enlightened Recovery is a licensed and certified dual diagnosis treatment center serving those with substance abuse issues and mental health disorders like anxiety. Through a combination of twelve step philosophy with proven treatment methods and holistically inspired healings, Enlightened offers a compassionate and comprehensive program. For more information, call 833-801-5483.