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Can Crystals Help Anxiety Attacks?

Anxiety is a common experience of addicts entering recovery, especially in the earliest stages of recovery.  It is one of the feelings that addicts are seeking to mask with substances.  Anxiety is the escalation of excitement.  Excitement has risen to an intensity that causes distress.  Crystals are a simple yet powerful tool to support the ability to be present with this, and other, emotions.  

One of the primary ways that crystals support with anxiety is to have a grounding effect on the escalating energy.  Rocks, in general, can help root down energy that is rising.  The rooting down of this energy can keep it at manageable levels for the addict.  

Being in contact with a gem also activates the senses.  Anxiety, and the escalation of any emotion, is simply the intensification of the amount of attention on a triggering event.  Any amount of attention currency that can be placed elsewhere will soften the intensity of the emotion.  The senses are one of the most accessible ways to shift the attention.

Crystals have very long lives and they have been holding energy for the planet throughout.  They can also be engaged to hold energy for the addict in recovery.  When there is a specific challenge present, it is possible to release some, or all, of this energy to the crystal through a meditation practice.  The crystal can hold this energy for you until the full  moon comes.  On the eve of the full moon, you can place the stone in the full-moon light and this will transmute and release the energy.  You can also achieve this by submerging it in water with sea salt at any given time.  Remember to express gratitude to the gem for processing the energy for you as well as any other earth resources involved in the release process.  

When beginning a journey with crystals or other gemstones, remember to trust the process.  The mind will want to know all the facts! Allow yourself to be in the mystery of the unknown with these ancient healers.  Explore intuition when choosing a gem to guide healing.  Let in the gentle reminder that these rocks hold the ancient wisdom of the life of the planet.


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