As of lately the diagnosis of bipolar has been thrown around casually without much knowledge about the topic. That is why it is crucial to find out what is really going on; if there really is any behavior that shows signs of the bipolar diagnosis, or if it’s something else. Being in a treatment facility can be extremely beneficial in being diagnosed. There are three stages to withdrawal; mild, moderate and severe. After the detoxification period is over, a licensed psychiatrist will be able to diagnose based on behavior, without substances clouding the mind. There are two forms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I will have episodes of manic behavior, while bipolar II is more calm with hypomania. This may seem like only a slight difference at first, but it is very obvious in the bigger spectrum. Those with bipolar I can also have symptoms of bipolar II, but those with bipolar II do not have symptoms of bipolar I.
Those of who have Bipolar I will have very erratic behavior lasting for longer periods of time. This behavior is more bizarre, out of control, and impulsive. While being diagnosed, a psychiatrist will look at the patient’s history regarding mania and depression. There is a criterion that must be met, in order to put this diagnosis on any medical record. Since this form of bipolar is more extreme, a prescribed mood stabilizer will help with symptoms. While on mood stabilizers there can be no substance abuse in any form. Medication and therapy combined should allow for an enormous shift in the patient’s behavior. However, this is a lifelong diagnosis that will have to be taken very seriously. Often times when a patient start to feel better, they go off of the medication, which leads to a downward spiral once again.
Bipolar II is classified as being milder, but not any less of a concern for psychiatrists treating a patient who shows these symptoms. However, this behavior doesn’t interfere with daily life as much as bipolar I. Those with bipolar II disorder, have been linked to poorer health-related issues, and higher depressed day count. Patients with bipolar II are also less likely to be able to return to normal lives as those with bipolar I. Both bipolar I and II have stages of euthymia, which means a normal state of mind. There is no way to tell how long these will last for or when they might occur. Much like the disease of alcoholism, no two bipolar diagnoses are exactly the same. Each person will have their own symptoms and story. As long as the patient is willing to accept this diagnosis, life will keep having preventable, unnecessary ups and downs.
If you are struggling with a mental illness and/or addiction, Enlightened Recovery offers dual-diagnosis treatment with licensed professionals. Our holistic, clinical and 12 step approach is designed to help patients prosper in the road to recovery. For more information call today: 833-801-5483.