Sometimes when we’re struggling with addictions and mental health issues we understandably are super focused on the addictions and issues themselves- our drugs of choice, our depression and anxiety, our relapses and failed attempts to quit. What we focus our attention on, however, we tend to amplify with our energy. If we are consumed with thoughts of using, it becomes increasingly difficult to stop thinking about using. If we are obsessed with relapsing, we become more likely to relapse.
One approach we can include in our recovery is switching focus from the behaviors we don’t want to continue to new behaviors that serve us better. We are more apt to stay away from things that are unhealthy and self-destructive when we have other things to replace them.
When we have spent years of our lives embroiled in our addictive cycles and mental illnesses, we can feel totally lost and confused. We don’t know what our future holds, and that can be scary and overwhelming. We have a hard time remembering who we used to be before our difficulties took hold of our lives. How do we find new replacement behaviors that make us happy? How do we figure out what our passions are?
What makes your soul sing and your heart smile? What makes you feel like you’ve come alive, like you’re glad to be alive, like you’re excited to live? It can be hard to figure out when we’re inundated with painful, fearful thoughts and feelings, but we owe it to ourselves to try. Dig deep.
What do you love about yourself? What did you love to do before the issues took over? We all have unique gifts and talents. They don’t disappear just because we are struggling. In fact, our pain can help lead us back to our gifts because they very often are therapeutic and help us to cope. What kinds of things could you do that make you feel empowered, that make you happy, that bring light and peace to your heart?
Start reintroducing these things into your life. Allow yourself to give yourself that gift. Maybe you love being around animals or spending time in nature. Maybe you love music, art or dance. Maybe you love being of service to other people. Whatever it is, you can find a class, group, online resource or volunteer opportunity that helps you to explore it further.
The more we feed our passions and prioritize things that make us genuinely feel good, the easier it is to replace our addictive and self-destructive behaviors with these healthier things. This can be powerfully transformative for our healing and recovery.
A main focus in recovery at Enlightened Recovery is the idea of holistic healing. Call (833) 801-LIVE for more information.