The first year in recovery is a fragile time. Starting from day one, the people must start following direction and taking suggestions of those who have their best interest at heart. The clinical staff and sober support will have a large part in helping get back on their own two feet. It’s a humbling experience and it takes a whole lot of acceptance from the beginning. Admitting the lack of control over alcoholism, addiction and/or mental health is crucial. This is when people begin to realize the unmanageability of life as it was in the disease. Once there is a willingness to do what it takes to become sober there will be many commitments to be made. There might be some resistance, but when the person pushes through, the transformation is being made.
Entering a treatment facility is optional but recommended for those who have lost the choice to drink. Patient’s are on voluntary lockdown with no drugs or alcohol. While in different therapy groups, the patients can begin to let go of the painful past. In order to move forward, there must be change in the way things had been done previously. It is suggested to attend 12-step meetings and begin to work on the 12 steps with a sponsor. The footwork must be a priority before the miracles of sobriety can take place. The miracles may be small or large, but they are present every day.
Upon completing rehab, people can step down into a an after care program and/or sober living. This will give patients a safe environment and while staying accountable. They should always stay away from old behaviors and preventable triggers. While doing the recommended steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, it’s essential to find the higher power from within. This will help in guiding those who are recovering to do the next right thing in a difficult time.
If the person can help it, it’s suggested to not make any huge life decisions at this time. This time should be selfishly based around sobriety. Sobriety should never be thought of as a sentence, rather a beautiful gift from their Higher Power.
Enlightened Recovery clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach to recovery is a phone call away from taking back your life. Don’t let substance abuse control you anymore. For more information please call today: 833-801-5483.