Sobriety is a new world to those who find their way into it. Living life without substances is unimaginable to many addicts. They arrive at this life that they are unprepared for and the concept of a blank canvas comes suddenly alive.
In the early days of recovery, living sober is often about living in opposition to the way you once lived. It is sometimes spoken in terms of avoiding people, places and things that you used to engage with and is often said that you must change everything to find a way of living sober. This is true for many people as their old lifestyles become triggers for their substances use by virtue of habit. So, success in breaking the habit of addiction, often means surrendering to letting many aspects of our lives also change.
There is a crossroads in how this level of dramatic change can be oriented to: it can be viewed as a devastating loss or it can be viewed as a creative opportunity. Sometimes, it may be a process to shift from one perspective to another. The truth is that living sober and change many of the significant elements of your life truly does give you a creative opportunity to re-craft your life in the image that you desire.
In some cases, people give up certain experiences and relationships temporarily while they build the foundation of their recovery. It is later an important part of their recovery to rejoin these elements and explore how to relate to them differently. In other cases, some people will commit to not doing any of the activities they did in their using life, ever. The way that addiction overtakes the lives of different individuals is vastly different, so these different expressions of sober life are all valid.
One key practice to a successful sober life is to learn from others who have restructured their life successfully. Find others who have a life that you would like to emulate and ask them to guide you. Similarly, when you have arrived at this place of a truly sober life, be willing to share your experience as to make the journey more accessible to those behind you on the path.
Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a harmonious approach to holistic treatment, bringing together the best of evidence-based, alternative, and 12-step therapies. Call us today for information on our transformation programs of treatment for addiction and alcoholism: 833-801-5483.