The seasons are changing. Fall, or Autumn, is the beginning of the earth’s hibernation period. Leaves changing color and falling off the trees is the first sign of earth preparing to rest and prepare itself for the next spring. Seasons are a cycle of shedding, growth, and rebirth. How the seasons change and what nature does to transition between the two is a metaphor for recovery. Through the different stages of our emotional, physical, and spiritual development, we too go through seasons of change.
Active addiction is not our only winter. Winter can be seen as a time of being barren. Trees are bare, stripped of their color and opulent leaves. The weather is cold and there is often rain, darkness, or snow. Though the winter is the most “empty” time of the seasonal year, it is when the most work is being done. It may be hard to see it at the time, but at the end of every winter is a coming spring. Winter is when the earth is preparing to bud, bloom, grow, and produce rich fruit out of beautiful flowers. When we experience seasons of winter, of hard times that feel cold and empty, we are actually preparing for tremendous growth. As the spring demonstrates, often that growth is incredibly beautiful.
In the Spring, the earth stretches its branches, roots, and petals after a long winter’s hibernating nap. It explodes into amazing color. Animals birth the babies they conceived and grew during the winter. The world is alive and pushing out the fruits of its labor, quite literally. Spring, as good as the warm sun feels and the beautiful flowers are, unfortunately does not last. For recovery, this is an important lesson. “This too shall pass” is often offered as a consolation during difficult times. However, it also applies to good times. Like the seasons, everything continues to change.
Spring turns into summer full of heat and sun, healing the earth after it’s victorious rebirth. Eventually, the heat begin to dry out the trees and once more fall sets in, preparing for winter again.
During the challenging months of early recovery, change can feel impossible to endure. We long for consistency. Just as things are feeling familiar, they begin to change again. This is the cycle of recovery and of life. Part of our mission in learning to live a life of sobriety is learning how to live with life on life’s terms. Simply stated, life changes. We change with it. When the discomfort passes, you’ll learn to see these passing seasons as beautiful opportunities to learn and grow. Welcome to the beginning of your life.
Enlightened Recovery offers a program of freedom to those trapped in the endless season of addiction to drugs and alcohol. Providing compassionate therapy in the comfort of a residential home, Enlightened solutions combines twelve step philosophy with evidence based treatment and holistic healing modalities. Call us today to find out how we can put you on the path to recovery 833-801-5483