While we’re working towards recovery, we will inevitably be confronted with different forms of internal resistance, blocks within us that are preventing us from healing. Our subconscious mind is where our emotional information and memory is stored, including our wounds, memories of our trauma, and our deeply rooted fears. Often when we’re trying to heal from addictions and mental health issues, we’re mostly dealing with our conscious emotions and issues, the things we’re already aware of. In therapy, for example, we’re discussing the issues we’re conscious of, the traumatic experiences we can remember, the problems we already know we have. Until we start going deeper to heal on a subconscious level, we’ll only be scratching the surface of our potential for healing. Learning about the subconscious blocks we’re holding onto within us can help us achieve more transformative healing.
We can get clues as to what is stored in our subconscious mind by listening to our self-talk, monitoring how we feel by default when we’re not paying attention, and examining our beliefs. What kinds of things does your inner voice say about you, and about your potential for recovery? Are you consciously working your recovery program but internally battling a voice telling you that recovery is impossible? Are your default emotions full of hopelessness and fear? Are you holding onto limiting beliefs about yourself and your ability to heal?
Many of us consciously want to believe the best about ourselves and our recovery but subconsciously believe that we’re not good enough, that we aren’t strong enough to get better, that we don’t have what it takes to do what’s best for ourselves. Our self-talk is full of discouraging, belittling and stifling language. We don’t believe in our strength, our willpower, our courage, or our potential. Many of us have seen other addicts attempt recovery and then fail, which can feed a subconscious belief that we will fail too and that recovery is impossible for us. When we aren’t monitoring how we feel, we slip into thoughts of despair and defeat. We list our failures and mistakes rather than our accomplishments and strengths. We are subconsciously rooting for our downfall rather than our success.
Since the subconscious mind governs the vast majority of our daily lives, our subconscious blocks to healing inform everything in our lives, from the things we think, to the emotions we have, and the beliefs we hold onto. Our chances of recovery are only as likely as our ability to really believe that we can recover.
At Enlightened Recovery, we will work with you holistically to heal mind, body and spirit and to achieve wellness on both a conscious and subconscious level. Call (833) 801-LIVE.