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8 Tips to Safely Quit Alcohol

Excessive alcohol use can lead to harmful mental and physical changes in the body. Over time, the alcohol takes control of the brain’s normal functions and creates a physical dependency. When a person drinks alcohol, neurotransmitters release dopamine, which causes him or her to experience temporary euphoric feelings. A person should never detox on his or her own. Quitting alcohol cold turkey is not safe and not recommended.

There are ways to safely quit alcohol. A medical professional can supervise the detox process and administer medication if needed. Sometimes people who have an alcohol addiction will go through very uncomfortable withdrawals. The body craves more alcohol and the brain is tricked into thinking it needs the alcohol to function. Medication-assisted detox helps to subdue any of the intense cravings while in detox.

Each person can go through a different experience with alcohol addiction so each treatment varies. Some people may need short-term treatment, which lasts about 30 days, while others might require long-term treatment lasting 90 days or more. Every treatment option depends on the duration and amount of alcohol used and the person’s physical and mental health.

Here are 8 tips to safely quit alcohol:

  1. Acknowledge your drinking is a problem and that you need to make lifestyle changes. Go to a medical professional who can help you through detox and find the right treatment program. Do not try to detox on your own.
  2. Get help from a professional to evaluate your mental health. Most addictions are linked to underlying mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression.
  3. Tell family and friends about your plans to live substance-free. When they know your plans to avoid alcohol, they will be less likely to encourage your drinking.
  4. Avoid triggers that could lead to relapse. Stay away from old friends who you would drink with and any places that may remind you of drinking alcohol.
  5. Attend group meetings and meet other people in the group. Learn from others and share your experience. Find new friends in group meetings.
  6. Discover new healthy activities and hobbies to keep busy. Adjusting to a new, sober life can be very difficult. Occupy your time with things to avoid thinking about alcohol.
  7. Keep a journal. Going through detox and treatment will be hard work. Write down your accomplishments in a journal so you can reflect on your success when times are challenging.
  8. Work on rebuilding relationships. Mending relationships takes time. Talk to your loved ones and rebuild any broken trust.

When quitting alcohol is done safely, a person can enjoy the benefits of living a healthy, sober life in recovery.

If your drinking has become a problem, don’t let the problem worsen. The best move to make for recovery from alcohol abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs.

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Enlightened Recovery is here to help you or your loved one overcome drug and alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders. Our holistic treatment programs treat the whole person in recovery. We have locations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

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