After treatment, you need to make a lot of adjustments and lifestyle changes for recovery. There will be many challenges that put you at high risk for relapse. Plan a strategy in advance to avoid difficult situations that may tempt you to use.
Here are 4 ways to stay clean and sober:
Join support groups. Keep going to group therapy and support groups during recovery. Many people in these groups are going through the same thing as you. Develop friendships with clean and sober friends who you can call when you feel like you might relapse.
Avoid triggers.
To remain clean and sober you need to identify your triggers and avoid them. This includes any old friends who are associated with your using drugs or abusing alcohol. There might be certain places that remind you of your times using. Stay away from those places. Things can remind you of using such as commercials or programs linked to using or drinking. When you cannot avoid triggers, call on a clean, sober friend who can talk to you to keep your mind from thinking about using.
A great way to stay clean and sober is to put exercise into your daily routine. Exercising will take care of you physically and mentally and is a great healthy activity to participate in.
Keep a journal.
By writing down your feelings, you can reflect on your success and see how your lifestyle has changed. Writing keeps the mind active and you will have less time to think about using drugs or alcohol.
Stay active with interests and hobbies.
Find new activities that interest you such as walking, joining a gym, participating in a book club, playing sports, or you might be creative and join an art class.
Discover activities to keep you busy. Make sure the time you once spent abusing substances is filled with fun, healthy hobbies. This will help you stay clean and sober. Talk to new friends in support groups when you are feeling tempted to use. Rebuild damaged relationships with family and friends. The lifestyle changes will take a lot of time, but you will be able to stay clean and sober and have fun!
If your substance abuse has become a problem, don’t let the problem worsen. The best move to make for recovery from drug abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs.