Sometimes we find ourselves preoccupied with anxiety about the future. We become anxious about things that have not yet happened. We panic, we become filled with dread- all about things we’re not yet dealing with.
Anxiety about the future can be based on fear of the unknown. We have a hard time being ok with uncertainty, and we let worry fuel us. We think in terms of worst case scenarios. We jump to conclusions about how things might be. We anticipate and expect the worst. Instead of thinking “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it,” we worry in anticipation. We hope and pray something bad doesn’t happen, instead of focusing on how we can change our energy to attract what we do want to happen.
When we are anxious about uncertainty and the unknown, and when we are anxious about the outcomes we don’t want, we are energetically emitting fear. We fear negative outcomes, without realizing that our fear is a powerful energy that is actually attracting what we don’t want. We can choose different energies to attract what we do want, instead.
Sometimes we feel powerless over our anxiety, but we actually have more control over our minds than we think we do. Fear of the future can be alleviated just like any other form of anxiety. Try calming your mind with meditation, exercise or writing. Listening to music, laughing with friends, and spending time doing things we enjoy are all wonderful anxiety remedies.
Whatever it is you’re anxious about in the future, decide what outcome you actually want. Sometimes we are so afraid we become overwhelmed and confused. Take some time to do some soul searching and get clear on what it is you actually want to happen in this situation. Visualize that happening. When anxious, fearful thoughts pop up, choose thoughts that reflect your desired outcome coming to fruition. Return to the visualization. Feel things working out in your favor. Believe that what you want can and will happen. Write and repeat affirmations reflecting that outcome having already happened. Try writing things such as “I am so happy and grateful that ____” (fill in the blank.) I accomplished everything I wanted to. I received the news I wanted. Everything worked out exactly as I hoped.” Try to fill your energy around the situation with as much faith as you can. Be as secure and confident as you can.
We may not be able to predict the future, but we can make our energy one of faith rather than fear, which will help us to manifest the outcomes we do want rather than attracting the ones we don’t want. We can be prepared for whatever happens down the line, but in the meantime, we can choose to be at peace and focus on positivity rather than worry.
Anxiety is something many of us struggle with. Enlightened Recovery has been helping people for years and can help you. Call (833) 801-LIVE.