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Anxiety About the Past

Often when we talk about anxiety, we hear it being described as an inability to stay in the present moment, a preoccupation with the past and the future. While we can be anxious about a great many things, often times our anxiety has to do with things that already happened, things we know we no longer have any control over. We might not be able to change what has already happened, but we can choose not to let our anxiety about the past get the best of us. We can shift our energy to make peace with the past instead.

When we are anxious about the past, it often comes from our inability to let go. We obsess about our past mistakes, embarrassments and regrets. We hold onto the painful memories of a relationship long after it has ended. Sometimes we feel we can’t let go of something or someone because we haven’t yet gotten the necessary closure. We hold onto the pain of the past and carry it with us into the present.

How would it feel to consciously choose to let go? For many of us who tend to dwell on things and obsess, this might feel impossible.

Even if we can’t change the past, we can change how we relate to it, how we perceive it, how we think and talk about it. What are the lessons learned? What can we take away from it? How can we apply what we’ve learned to other similar situations? What can we do differently in order to avoid the same pain down the line? Focusing on the lessons and how you can apply them in the future can help to reduce the anxiety.

Sometimes our anxiety comes from frustration with how we handled things. Sometimes we’re holding onto a grudge and can’t forgive the person who hurt us.

How would it feel to choose forgiveness, for ourselves and others, for the sake of our own peace of mind? Can we prioritize our own inner peace whether or not we reconcile, whether or not we even address the issue?

We have the power to choose how we think about things. One suggestion is to write everything down and feel the release and relief that can come from the writing process. It can be calming and therapeutic just to write it all out. Another suggestion is to use affirmations and meditate with them. Try repeating things like “I let go. I choose to move forward. I choose to forgive. I choose peace.”

The past doesn’t have to keep haunting you. The community at Enlightened Recovery has years of experience helping people. Let them help you. Call (833) 801-LIVE.

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