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The Three Essential Oils You Need To Be a Rockstar in Addiction Recovery

Recovery isn’t always an uphill battle. Sometimes you are going to cruise through the challenges recovery has to offer you. You are a rockstar for being here, being clean and sober, and being up for the challenge. Essential oils are a holistic



For: healing the body, empowering difficult conversations, relieving tension or anxious energy

You are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Every day- every minute- you stay clean and sober from drugs and alcohol, you are achieving something miraculous. Throughout recovery you will be presented opportunities to continue growing into greatness. You will have to face your fears, overcome your anxieties, and find the empowerment you need to move forward. From difficult conversations to difficult decisions, your strength and confidence in who you are will continue to build. For those moments when you’re looking upon another opportunity to grow, evolve, and be empowered, Rosemary oil can be helpful. Smelling good always makes you feel good, so try rubbing some on your most active pressure points like the underside of your wrists or your temples on your head next to your eyes. If you’re giving yourself a pep talk, put Rosemary in your aromatherapy diffuser to breathe in the empowerment you need. Using Rosemary in a diffuser during meditation can help clear the mind of anxiety to find strength in tranquility.



For: inner strength to get through tough times

You are forever on the hero’s journey in recovery. As you continue on your lifelong quest, you will come across victory and defeat, challenge and accomplishment. You will face times of fear, times of introspection, and challenges to your spirit. At the forefront of each of these challenges you will need to take a deep breath, collect your strength, and rely on the faith you need to get through. Bergamot is a great essential oil to have in these moments to help you overcome insecurity and doubt, uplifting your spirit instead. Revitalizing and energizing, the fresh scent of Bergamot is perfect for daily use so you can live every day like a superhero.



For: stress relief and relaxation

Nothing brings a day together like the relaxing smell of lavender. Lavender is one of nature’s wonder flowers. In addition to be relaxing and soothing, contributing to the deep sleep you need to be a rockstar in recovery every day, Lavender is healing. Put it on wounds, cuts, bruises, or any physical issue for relaxation and healing. Every superstar has to partake in self-care now and then. Using lavender essential oil is like a quick trip to a luxurious space every time you use it. Deep relaxation, stress relief, and calm can go a long way in recovery.


Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers an integrative approach to treatment focusing on total transformative healing. Bringing together the best of clinical therapy, alternative healing, and holistic treatment, we strive to help clients live a fulfilling lifetime of recovery. For information on our partial care programs, call us today at 833-801-5483.

Begin Your Recovery at Enlightened Recovery

Enlightened Recovery is here to help you or your loved one overcome drug and alcohol addiction as well as co-occurring mental health disorders. Our holistic treatment programs treat the whole person in recovery. We have locations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

Get the help that you deserve now with Enlightened Recovery.